Operation Instruction 1/61 - Op. Nuthurst


To maintain peace in the WAP it is necessary to remove the Lower Yaffa dissident leader, Mohamed Aidrus, from the protectorate. A general briefing was held in the 8 Squadron briefing room at 08:00 on Saturday, 27 May, 1961, and was attended by pilots from 8 Squadron, 37 Squadron and Helicopter Flight.

The operation was carried out in two phases:

1.       The ‘flushing’ of Mohamed Aidrus from his hides in Al Qara and surrounding areas.

2.       The removal of Mohamed Aidrus from the Aden Protectorate.

Aircraft requirements

1.       Hunter

(i)   Available at 30-minutes for 1 sortie each from 03:45.

·         4 Hunter 9 armed with 4 RP (Squash Head) plus 540 x 30 mm

·         1 Hunter 9 armed 540 x 30mm

·         1 Hunter 9/10 FR for visual recce, 540 x 30mm/Ball

·         1 Hunter 10 FR for photo recce

(ii)  Turn round armed live with 30mm RP (Squash Head) available. After turnround revert to available 30 minutes until 15:00.

2.       Meteor 9

3.    Shackleton

4.    Helicopter

5.    Valetta/Twin Pioneer
