Precise details of the build up of the South Arabian Air Force at Khormaksar are not yet (May 1967) available but the task, stated in broad terms, is as follows:
Jet Provost
1st Pair to arrive mid-September.
2nd Pair to arrive in November.
The first and second aircraft to arrive in July end the third in August. Arrival of the fourth is not yet known.
All six Beavers should have arrived by mid-October.
These six aircraft should arrive by sea, two each in August, September and October.
The total force of 149 (including 33 local nationals) will not be achieved until the additional four strike aircraft arrive in 1968. In 1967 the force will be a total of 133; this will be achieved by a build up in phase with aircraft deliveries, the aircrew arriving a month before the aircraft and the ground crew about ten days before.
In the long term the requirements to the SAAF are to be satisfied as follows s
Engineering Accommodation
The existing MRT Wing and dispersals including part of No. 131 MU.
Domestic Accommodation
Merryfield house as Staff Mess and single accommodation for pilots said technicians.
Thirty OMQs (white houses) as married accommodation for pilots and senior staff.
Forty-eight OMQs (Dhobi Line flats) as married accommodation for technicians.
The majority of this accommodation will not be available until after Independence and interim arrangements will be made in consultation with RAF Khormaksar.
Personnel of Federal Forces accommodated at RAF Khormaksar will make their own catering and messing arrangements.