RAF Khormaksar

Three-quarters of Middle East Command aircraft were based at
RAF Khormaksar, its main flying station. Khormaksar was a
joint user airfield – that is, it was Aden’s civil
airport as well as an RAF station, the RAF
providing airfield, navigational, meteorological and communications
facilities to the many civil airlines operating from and through Aden.
Broadly, RAF
Khormaksar’s tasks could be grouped under two main headings –
tactical and transport. On the
tactical side, its main jobs were to defend Aden and the Protectorates from
external attack and to maintain law and order within the territory. The units
based there were also called upon to operate, as required, elsewhere in the
Command’s area of responsibility.
Also included in this side of its duties
were control over sea communications within the area, responsibility for
the search and rescue organisations in the Command and the maintenance of
airfields, navigation aids and facilities extending from Hargeisa in Somaliland
to Masirah Island at the entrance to the Persian Gulf.
Various aircraft and activities
on the Transport Wing pan are overshadowed by Mount Shamsan and a
pair of Strike Wing Hunters are depicted in this painting during the
final year of RAF tenure in Aden. (Mal Grosse) |
This high quality
photograph, taken by Flt Lt Richard Johns from a 1417 Flt FR.10 nose
camera on 20 August, 1965, gives a birds-eye view of Aden, dominated
by Jebel Shamsan and the town of Crater in the background and RAF
Khormaksar to the fore. The town of Maalla lies below the jagged
rocks of the extinct volcano and Steamer Point and Aden Harbour are
located on the extreme right. (Roger Wilkins) |
RAF Khormaksar as seen from Hawker Hunter T.7, XL613-Z, on 14 February 1964, with
the civilian airport and east end of the runway at the bottom of the
picture. Moving up the image, next in line are the Hunter squadrons,
Helicopter and Shackleton pans, visitors pan and transport aircraft
apron used by the Beverley, Twin Pioneer, Argosy, Valletta and Comms
squadrons. Also visible are the married quarters and
airmen's barrack blocks to the left and upper centre respectively. (author) |
Looking north from the cockpit of a
233 Squadron Valetta as it flies across Mount Shamsan, with RAF
Khormaksar in the foreground, the Salt Pans on the far side of the
runway and Shiekh Othmann in a distant top left of the photograph.
(Keith Webster) |
View from a Hunter cockpit as
it approaches Khormaksar in 1964. Clearly visible are the main
runway and peri-track which could double as a secondary
runway in case of emergency; there being no diversionary airfield in
the Protectorate. Two short unsurfaced runways heading away to the
left of the main runway could be used by light piston-engined
aircraft should the need arise. Irrespective of take-off direction,
a wet landing awaited anyone unfortunate enough to suffer an engine
failure. (Roger Wilkins) |
A view from the nose camera of a
1417 Flight FR.10, taken in 1965, depicting the eastern end of
Khormaksar airfield with the civilian airport at the top, the Strike
Wing Hunter pan and hangars in the centre and a 37 Squadron
Shackleton alongside a 26 Squadron Belvedere at the bottom. (Chris Bain) |
Higher and higher! Another superb image from a 1417
Flight FR.10 camera, taken from an even greater height and on an
unusually clear day, encompassing the whole of Khormaksar airfield,
the runway and warren of single and married accommodation adjacent
to the huge base. The narrowness of the peninsular at this point can
be clearly seen as can the close proximity of the sea on either
side. (Ken Simpson) |
_small.jpg) |
Next come two photographs taken
from 8 Squadron Hunter T.7, XL613, by Flt Lt Ron Dunn in late November 1960. At
that time, Ron was one of a number of CFS Examiners from Advanced
Standards who made annual
visits to Khormaksar and the other MEAF bases ..... |
_small.jpg) |
to check that the level of instruction given to pilots by the QFIs
on each unit were being maintained to the high standards demanded by
the Central Flying School. Commonly known as 'Trappers', the
Standards Wing team was based at RAF Little Rissington. (Ron Dunn) |
Khormaksar airfield was situated on a thin neck of
land that linked Aden Colony to the vast expanse of the southern tip of Arabia. It had
one main runway almost two miles in length and a parallel peri-track
that could be used as a runway in an emergency. Two, short,
unsurfaced runways were available for light aircraft on those rare
occurrences when a strong crosswinds blew. Within the Colony to the south were
located the main harbour near Steamer Point and the towns of Maala and
Crater sat under the shadow of Jebel Shamsan, a long extinct volcano. To the north lay Sheikh Othman and the main road to
Dhala and the Yemen.
Scheduled services
Khormaksar’s transport
role was a large and important one. It was mainly concerned
with maintaining scheduled air services within the command and with
supplying ground forces stationed up-country at bases which could not be reached by
other means of transport – to which end the station maintained a number of air
strips in the Protectorates and in Muscat and Oman.
But it was
also the biggest RAF staging-post – the main one between the United Kingdom and
Singapore or Australia. Aircraft either passed through or terminated their flight
at Khormaksar and, being the focal point, the station was the transhipment
airfield for freight and passengers on their way to Kenya or the Persian Gulf.
To illustrate this aspect of Khormaksar and its importance – there were more than
100 transient aircraft movements each month, mostly scheduled flights by Britannias and Comets. The station handled
monthly some 1,600,000 lb. of freight, 4,000 passengers
and 10,000 lb. of mail.
there were many United Nations flights, carrying aid and troops from India
and Pakistan to the Congo. These aircraft and passengers were treated in exactly
the same way as those of the RAF, and used all the staging-post facilities. Aeromedical flights, mostly by Comet,
were an important part of the staging-post
role. In about 12 hours from leaving Aden patients were in hospital in the U.K.
The units based at Khormaksar were as varied as the tasks the station was called
upon to perform, but were divided into four wings – two flying wings, tactical
and transport, a technical wing and an administrative wing.
Wing encompassed the Hunter and Belvedere units based at Khormaksar until
December 1964 when the Shackleton squadron was brought into the fold. The title
was changed to Strike Wing and the Belvederes transferred to Transport Wing.
No. 8
This unit was called
own squadron’, for, apart from a brief interval immediately
after the war, it had been
connected with Khormaksar ever since 1928.
No. 8 was formed at Brooklands in 1915 as
part of the Royal Flying Corps and took an active part in the campaign in
France. It was disbanded in 1920, but reformed in Egypt a few months later and
was then posted to Iraq. It was transferred to Aden in 1928 and based there for
the remainder of the inter-war years. Coastal reconnaissance flights and
anti-submarine patrols were its main duties through the war – though it was in
action continuously through the 1940/41 East African campaign and the extremely
small number of ships lost in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is testimony to the
success of its work. In May, 1945, the squadron was disbanded but its
number-plate was transferred to No. 200 (Liberator) Squadron, stationed at
Minneriya, Ceylon, as a Special Duty Unit supply-dropping to clandestine agents
in Malaya and Sumatra. It was disbanded in November, 1945.
No. 8
Squadron’s association with Aden was revived on September 1, 1946, when No. 114
Squadron, at Khormaksar, was renumbered No. 8. The squadron was back in its
original role of the defence and policing of the Protectorates. Its Standard,
awarded by King George VI, was presented by the Governor of Aden in April, 1954,
and later that month paraded for the first time when the Squadron provided a
Guard of Honour to greet the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Since early in
1960 the Squadron was equipped with Hunter FGA.9 aircraft.
No. 43 Squadron
The first squadron in the RAF
to be issued with the Mark 1
Hunter in July 1954, 43 Squadron subsequently flew
the Marks 4 and 6 at Leuchars until the latter were replaced by FGA.9s in 1960.
Following a period of around 18 months in Cyprus, the Squadron moved to
Khormaksar on 1 March 1963 and was the final Hunter unit to serve in Aden, being
disbanded shortly before the station closed in November 1967.
No. 208 Squadron
Reformed as a Venom squadron at
Eastleigh in 1959, 208 Squadron re-equipped with Hunter FGA.9s in March 1960 and
moved up to Khormaksar a few months after the Kuwait Crisis of 1961. Here it
remained until being relocated to Muharraq (Bahrain) in June 1964.
No. 1417 Flight
Up until 1961, the fighter
reconnaissance role was the forte of four 8 Squadron Meteor FR.9s. Superseded by
Hunter FR.10s, the Squadron continued to provide the fighter recce requirement
until 1963 when 1417 Flight was reformed and the FR.10s and T.7s re-allocated to
it. Over the four years until its disbandment in September 1967, the Flight gave
excellent photo recce support to both the Hunter squadrons and the Army
operating up country.
No. 26 Squadron
The arrival at Khormaksar of 26
Squadron and its four Belvedere helicopters in March 1963, following a
momentous flight from the UK, brought a much needed heavy capability to the Aden
theatre. The aircraft allocation was increased in 1964 with the arrival of a
further two Belvederes from the UK. The Squadron performed an invaluable roll
lifting troops, equipment and artillery to places, such as mountain tops, that
were inaccessible by any other means, allowing Army units to more easily take
the upper hand when skirmishes broke out. Without them, the campaign would
undoubtedly have lasted longer and the casualties been higher. With the
re-equipment of 78 Squadron with the Wessex complete, 26 Squadron disbanded on
30 November, 1965, and its aircraft flown onto HMS Albion for shipment to
Singapore, where they joined 66 Squadron.
No.26 Squadron Belvedere HC.1, XG463-B, on the helicopter pan at Khormaksar in 1963 (Author)
Belvedere XG457-D creates a dustcloud as it climbs out from Khormaksar, to be followed shortly after by XG463-B in the background (Author)
Another 26 Squadron Belvedere on the Khormaksar pan in early 1964, this time XG458-E (Author)
The remnants of Comms Flight's two white Canberra B.2s and a Valetta can be seen in the left background. |
Still in the camouflage livery worn when with 66 Sqn in the UK, XG467-C is being loaded with supplies destined for an up-country Army unit (Author)
XG457-D sits on the pan as an 84 Squadron Beverley lifts off the Khormaksar runway in 1964 (Peter Lewis)
37 Squadron
37 Squadron had been overseas since 1940, and had been at Khormaksar since mid-1957.
Since 1947 it had undertaken a search and rescue commitment, its Lancasters
followed later in 1953 by Shackleton MR.Mk.2s, provided this humanitarian service over a wide area of
the Near and Middle East. Search and rescue activities included locating and helping ditched and
missing aircraft, people lost in the desert and survivors from abandoned ships,
and the Squadron maintained a standby together with the Helicopter Flight, Marine
Craft Unit and other rescue groups until 1967, when it disbanded.
Up until 1963, 37 Squadron had
given special dispensation for its aircraft markings in that a greater area of white
was allowed
along the top of the fuselage in order to counter the excessive heat of the Aden
theatre and this can be clearly seen some images in the gallery
below. As this was patently of insufficient benefit, the aircraft were turned
out in standard Maritime Command markings as they passed through refurbishment
in the UK during 1963.
WL738-D, taxiing in at Khormaksar in early 1964. Note that the Squadron number has yet to be applied (author)
Parked on the pan at Khormaksar in late 1962, WL744-B bakes under a midday sun while awaiting its next sortie (author)
WR962-A at Khormaksar in late 1962 displays the deeper section of white allowed at special dispensation along the fuselage top (author)
The same aircraft, WR962-A, at Khormaksar in early 1964, shortly after returning in revised markings from refurbishment in the UK (author)
Following a month on detachment, two 42 Sqn MR.2s, WL754-F and WL801-B, start up for their departure from Khormaksar, 11-62 (author)
Sycamore HR.14s based at Khormaksar were a familiar sight over Aden as they
made daily training trips around the shores of the Colony and were often called
upon to transport VIPs. They formed a part of the search and rescue organisation,
maintaining a permanent standby, and were called upon to
pick up people stranded on rocks or beaches or in danger of drowning. More often
their work was to bring casualties down to Aden and its hospital or evacuation
facilities from up-country stations.
formed part of the Khormaksar establishment since late 1955, becoming a
separate flight in 1958.
On occasion they were detached for duties
elsewhere in the command – in support of operations in the Trucial Oman in 1959,
Bahrein in 1960 and to give a display at the Royal Agricultural Show in Nairobi.
The Sycamores were replaced by Whirlwind HAR.10s in 1964.
As a young Flying Officer, Tony
Bell was a Sycamore pilot in Aden in 1963/64 and moved on to the Whirlwind Mark
10 in 1964, until his departure in mid-65. “There
were four Sycamore HR.14s on the SAR Helicopter Flight (XG504, XG518, XJ916 and
XL829). The ‘incident’
involving XG504, pictured in the gallery below, occurred on 20 January, 1964. I
was piloting the aircraft and was climbing away from dispersal on a training
flight when the centrifugal clutch failed. The subsequent forced landing in the
small space between the Hunter line and flight huts aroused some consternation,
especially from OC Tactical Wing, Wg Cdr Jennings.
In another interesting
incident, which occurred on 23 March 1964 and is featured further down the page,
the crew of 105 Squadron Argosy XP413, managed to shut down three engines on
final approach during a training sortie causing it to ditch in the sea short of
the Khormaksar runway! An emergency was called and I was detailed to pick up the
embarrassed crew.
were all standing on the wing that remained above water with the fuselage
resting on the bottom. The rescue was performed using Whirlwind HAR.10, XK970,
the first operational sortie flown by the new aircraft.”
Following withdrawal of the Sycamores, they were all flown on
to HMS Albion on 28 March 1964 to return to UK.”
A nice sequence of three images depicting Search & Rescue Flight's Sycamore XG518 reving up to maximum power .....
..... before lifting off from the Helicopter pan .....
..... and heading out to the east of Khormaksar airfield (all three taken by Keith Webster in 1962)
Martin Johnson walks in from a sortie in his Hunter as Sycamore XG504 is towed back to the Helicopter Flight pan in 1963 (Author)
The picture was taken immediately after a centrifugal clutch failure on XG504 caused its pilot, Tony Bell, to make an emergency landing on the Hunter pan. |
Search & Rescue Flight Sycamore HC.14, XG518, on the Khormaksar helicopter pan in early 1964 (Author)
Seen shortly before its replacement by a turbine-powered Whirlwind, Sycamore XL829 is on standby at Khormaksar in early 1964 (Author)
Another view of XL829 on the SAR pan at Khormaksar (Simon Morrison collection)
Gleaming Whirlwind HAR.10, XK970, being prepared for its acceptance flight at Khormaksar in February 1964 (Author)
XK970 was converted from a piston-engined HAR.2 |
The second Whirlwind to join the Khormaksar S&R Flight, XL111, stands ready for its next sortie in early 1964 (Author)
XL111 was converted from a piston-engined HAR.4 |
Couple of views of SAR Flight Whirlwind HAR.10, XK970, approaching Bir Fahdl airfield which was not far from Khormaksar (Charlie Donaldson)
XK970 turns before landing at Bir Fahdl; the airfield was used mainly by the Aden Glding Club (Charlie Donaldson)
Traffic Control Squadron
who watched the steady flow of aircraft landing and taking off at Khormaksar
would have appreciated the task of Air Traffic Control, which was responsible for the
safety of all aircraft, both civil and military, in the air and on the ground.
Its responsibilities included providing facilities for the landing of aircraft in
bad weather – such as dust or sand storms – the positive control of aircraft in
the air to prevent collisions, and supplying information to all aircraft within
its area. The Local and Approach controllers watched very closely to co-ordinate
the smooth flow of aircraft landing and taking off
Acknowledged as the busiest Royal Air Force station
in the world and embracing an
international civil airport, the Air Traffic Control Centre at Khormaksar handled one of the most mixed collections of aircraft types seen on any RAF
station. In the early 1950s Khormaksar was just a one-squadron (8 Squadron)
station but as the workload increased through the middle of the decade, a high
of 2,500 aircraft movements per month was recorded. By 1964, on the military side alone, the
number of squadrons/flights had increased to ten, operating eleven
types of aircraft comprising; Hunters and Shackletons of Tactical Wing, Twin
Pioneers, Beverleys, Valettas and Argosys of Transport Wing, Canberras and
Hastings of Comms Flight, and three types of helicopter.
In addition the nearby Sheikh Othman-based Army Light Aircraft Squadron Austers, Beavers and Scouts
were always popping in, as were aircraft from visiting Royal Navy carriers, and there was a steady flow of RAF
Canberras and V-Bombers transiting through en-route to and from the UK, Far East,
the Gulf and East Africa.
Civil aircraft operations included more than fifteen airlines, charter companies
and private operators flying more than twenty types of aircraft, from the trusty
DC3s, Argonauts and Viscounts of Aden Airways to the Boeing 707s of Air India and Comets of BOAC. It was also a popular
location for hot-weather trials of new aircraft types such as the De Havilland Trident and
Vickers VC10.
All this meant that in an average month Air Traffic Control staff
handled more than 5,000
movements comprising fifty or more different types of aircraft – a mixed bag indeed for
any airport. In addition to the airfield itself, Air Traffic Control
supervised a Control Zone that extended to a forty-mile circumference of the airfield
within which
positive separation of aircraft flying on IFR Flight Plans had to be maintained. All
of which added up to a busy, varied and very interesting job for everybody in
the section.
Craft Unit
in boats may seem a novel absurdity to the layman, but Aden was well used to the
RAF Marine Craft Unit
– it was formed about 1934 and, although based for a time
at Maalla, it later moved back to its original base at Obstruction Pier. The unit had a
24-hour search and rescue commitment and could be called out at any time to search
for lost planes or ships – or simply pick stranded people off beaches. But their
principal task was supplying the route stations as far up the coast as Bahrein.
Using ‘Z’-craft with a capacity of 200 tons they moved a minimum of 1,000 tons of
cargo a month. During the monsoon months, May-September, when marine operations
from Aden were curtailed, one of these craft was detached to Bahrein. Odd jobs
around the harbour – ‘lumping and dumping’
as they called it – also fell to the lot
of the RAF’s sailors. vesel
RAF Launch 1380 being returned to Obstruction Pier in early 1964, having undergone lengthy repairs caused by a terrorist bomb (author)
Also known as the Pinnace, these launches carried a crew comprising: Captain, SNCO, WOP and 5 to 6 deckhands. |
1380 photographed at full speed out in the Red Sea by one of Ken Simpson's FR.10 nose cameras (Ken Simpson)
Also captured by Ken's FR.10, Air Sea Rescue Launch 2767 uses maximum power from its Sea Griffin engines to speed through the Red Sea (Ken Simpson)
Air, Sea Rescue Launch, 2767 at Obstruction Pier following a trip out to sea towing a splash target for 8 Sqn FGA.9s to shoot at, 03-64 (author)
Also known as Range Target Towing Launches, these high powered vessels had a crew comprising: Captain, 2 Coxes, SNCO, JNCO, 2 Eng SNCO, Eng JNCO, WOP, 5 or 6 deckhands. |
This fine aerial shot of 2767 captures the wake the launch makes as it travels at high speed through the water (Ken Simpson)
The search
and rescue units at Khormaksar were completed by a small group of volunteers
who devoted their spare time to training for Mountain and Desert Rescue
operations. Formed in 1963, they were the youngest of the RAF’s mountain
rescue units and the only one which also included desert in its field of
three squadrons of transport aircraft and the Air Movements Section, the Officer
Commanding Transport Wing’s responsibilities included the up-country airstrips in
the Aden Protectorate and the route airfields along the South Arabian Coast. The
gallery below contains a selection of aircraft types operated by the Khormaksar
Transport Wing in the 1960s.
233 Sqn Valetta C.1, VW860, about to taxi out in 1961, probably for another trip up-country (Keith Webster)
233 Squadron Valetta C.1, VW198, taxies passed the Hunter pan at Khormaksar in 1964 (author)
The Valetta was the oldest type of aircraft to operate with MEC from Khormaksar during the first half of the sixties. |
The end of the road for 233 Sqn Valetta C.1, VW851, having been relegated for use by the firemen at Eastleigh in July 1963 (author)
The Twin Pioneers of 78 Squadron; XM284 depicted here at Khormaksar in 1965, were the workhorses for up-country operations (Simon Morrison)
Sporting a smart sand/brown camouflage livery, 78 Sqn Twin Pioneer, XM286, seen during a visit to Falaise Army Camp in 1967 (Richard Grevatte-Ball)
Heavy lift and troop carrying tasks were flown by the ubiquitous Beverley C.1s of 84 Sqn. XB266 is seen here at Khormaksar in June 1962 (author)
84 Sqn Beverley, XM106-T, taxies passed the Hunter pan and 8 Sqn FR.10, XE614-W, on its way back to dispersal in 1962 (Mac McLauchlan)
Another view of 84 Squadron Beverley, XB266-V, this time taking off from Khormaksar, 1963 (author)
A change in markings in 1966, saw RAF Beverleys painted in sand/brown camouflage, XM106 seen here about to depart for Aden (author's collection)
XM106 was destroyed by a land mine at Habilayn in October 1967. |
Once in Aden, Beverley C.1, XM106, was soon deployed on the varied tasks carried out by 84 Sqn (author's collection)
A view across the 84 Sqn Beverley pan at Khormaksar in 1967 depicting a mix of colour schemes (author's collection)
84 Sqn Beverley XM109-U, flies low across Khormaksar in 1963 (Mac McLauchlan)
The penultimate production Beverley XM111 awaits its next task on the Khormaksar pan in 1965 (Simon Morrison)
114 Sqn had only been at Ksar a short while when this photograph was taken of XN819 on the Transport Wing ramp in the summer of 1962 (Keith Webster)
In the background are 84 Sqn Beverley XM107-S and an unidentified military Argonaut. |
105 Sqn Argosy C.1, XP408, taxiing by the Hunter pan at Khormaksar in 1963 (author)
To satisfy the growing demands being placed on Transport Wing, 105 Sqn was re-formed and equipped with the Argosy C.1 before being flown out to Aden in June 1962. |
105 Sqn Argosy, XP411, on arrival at Masirah prior to ferrying 8 Sqn groundcrew down to Khormaksar on 30 December, 1963 (author)
Doing a poor imitation of a sea plane, 105 Sqn Argosy, XP413, after ditching in the sea short of Ksar during a training sortie, 23-03-64 (author)
Being only 18 months old, the aircraft was stripped down and shipped back to the UK for rebuilding and re-entry into RAF service. |
The 105 Squadron Argosy pilot has called for the emergency services to be on standby but fortunately, they were not needed, 1967 (Malcolm Stelfox)
As the undercarriage cycles up, 105 Sqn Argosy, XP440, climbs away from Khormaksar in 1963 (author)
78 Squadron
squadron operated Twin Pioneer aircraft, whose short take-off and landing
characteristics often made it the only plane that could operate into up-country
airstrips, and its main work was short-range supply of the Army. It was also
frequently called on to pick up sick or injured people for transport to
hospital. No. 78 was formed as a Home Defence unit in 1916, disbanded in 1919
and reformed, as a Bomber Squadron, in 1936. During 1940 and 1941, operating
Whitley Mark V aircraft, it operated over Germany and the ports of occupied
Europe. Re-equipped with Halifax Vs in 1942 they continued operations, and in
the latter half of the year flew almost nightly, taking part in nearly all the
major raids on Germany, Italy and occupied territory. Towards the end of the war
daylight raids became more frequent, and the targets mainly
‘Flying Bomb’ bases.
In 1945 the
Squadron was transferred to Transport Command, and later in the year sent to the
Middle East and based at Almaza. The following year it was moved to Kabrit and
in 1951, to Fayid, where it was disbanded in 1954. It re-formed in Aden on 24
April, 1956, equipped with Single Pioneer aircraft, and was re-equipped with
Twin Pioneers in 1958. By 1965, it was their turn to be replaced and, following
the success of the RN Wessex Squadrons operating in Aden, the Wessex was chosen
as the faithful Twin-Pin’s replacement.
84 Squadron
84 was formed at Beaulieu, Hampshire, in 1917 and saw service as a fighter
squadron in France for just over a year. After the Armistice it went to Cologne
as part of the Army of Occupation, but returned to England and was disbanded in
1920. Three months later it was re-formed at Baghdad as a bomber squadron, and
was later moved to Shaibah and eventually re-equipped with Vincents. During the
inter-war years its work was varied and interesting – flying via the Persian
Gulf, India, Burma and Malaya to Singapore nearly every year to take part in
manoeuvres; it did the photography for the re-mapping of the whole of Southern
Iraq and, in 1935, located an Imperial Airways airliner force-landed in the
desert, in time to rescue passengers and crew.
After the
outbreak of war it was re-equipped with Blenheims and took part in campaigns in
the Western Desert, Greece, Iraq, Syria, Persia and the Far East. In 1942 it
lost all its aircraft by land attack on Java.
From 1944
No. 84 operated in India, first with Vengeance and later Mosquito aircraft. From
1945 to 1948 they were transferred from base to base around the Far East –
Seletar, Java, Batavia, Kuala Lumpar, Changi and Tengah. Re-equipped with
Brigands, it returned to Iraq, but was transferred to Singapore again in 1950.
Three years later the Squadron was disbanded when Brigands were grounded.
However, a
month later No. 204 Squadron, a medium-range transport squadron flying Valettas
and based at Fayid, was redesignated No. 84. It took up its present home in Aden
in January, 1957. In June, 1958, the Blackburn Beverley heavy transport aircraft
joined the squadron, and both types of aircraft were operated until August 1961 when the Valetta element was re-designated No. 233 Squadron. No. 84’s main
task was the supply of army up-country posts, but it also flew the routes up
to the Persian Gulf and as far south as Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia.
No. 105 Squadron
Newly formed with the Armstrong
Siddeley Argosy at Benson on 21 February, 1962, 105 Squadron moved from the UK to Khormaksar in June
1962, where maximum use was made of its medium lift capability. As the
withdrawal from Aden drew near, the Squadron moved up to Muharraq in two flights
over the summer of 1967, where it disbanded on 31 January, 1968.
233 Squadron
Valetta element of 84 Squadron became a Squadron in its own right in August 1961. The
twin-engined Valettas had been operating in the Arabian Peninsula
for the previous decade, and in an average month carried 650 passengers and 360,000
lb. of freight on routes extending from Bahrein in the north to Kenya in the
The history
and previous role of No. 233 is symbolised by its crest – in front of a trident
and sword in saltire, a star of eight points. The design represents navigation,
the sword, a striking force, and the trident, duties over the sea. RNAS Seaplane
Station, Dover, was formed in November, 1914, operating throughout the war on
coastal patrols. When the RAF was formed in 1918, the station was renamed the
Dover Air Base and organised into separate flights, but these were reunited a
few months later as No. 233 Squadron, remaining at Dover until it was disbanded
in 1919. The Squadron was re-formed in 1937, as a general reconnaissance
squadron of Coastal Command, and equipped with Ansons. When war broke out it was
at Leuchars, being re-equipped with Hudsons. Its role through the first two
years of the war was sweeping the North Sea, brushing with submarines and
investigating shipping. From 1941 to 1944 it was at Gibraltar, and was then
transferred to the 2nd Tactical Air Force in an air support role with
Dakotas. It was disbanded in 1945.
MEAF Comms Flight
Many RAF stations operated a
Communications Flight and that at Khormaksar, in the early sixties, had an
allocation of two Canberra B.2s painted in an all-over white livery, a Hastings
C.4 and Valetta C.2. To this could be added a Dakota C.4; maintained by civilian
DC3 technicians from Aden Airways, it was normally parked and operated from the
civil airport. The Canberras were scrapped behind the SAR Flight hangar in early
1964. In the mid-sixties, and renamed Middle East Communications Squadron, the
Unit was allocated a second Dakota C.4 and an Andover C.1.
Re-allocated to the MEAF in 1961, Dakota C.4, KN452, operated in an all-over silver livery as seen here on the Transport Wing pan (Keith Webster)
In the late 1940s, this aircraft was used for a tour of India by Princess Elizabeth and was fitted with a luxurious wood-panelled interior. |
Oldest aircraft in the MEAF Comms Flight fleet, Dakota C.4, KN452 was pictured when operating from the civilian airport apron in 1962 (author)
By this time the aircraft had received the standard Transport Command livery of that period. |
MEAF Comms Flight Valetta C.2, VX576 taxies past the Hunter pan on its way to the runway threshold (author)
Largest aircraft in the MEAF Comms Flight was this Hastings C.4, WJ326, seen parked on the Flight's pan in 1962 (author)
Canberra B.2, WJ580, one of two all-white 'high-speed AOC transports' based at Khormaksar and seen taxiing in, 1961 (Des Meek)
Provided for use specifically for Staff Officers flying to the various MEAF airfields, Canberra B.2, WJ580 was one of two painted white (author)
The photograph was taken at Sharjah in 1963. |
B.2, WJ608, was the second all-white Canberra and is seen while AOG awaiting parts for an engine problem at Bahrain in 1963 (author)
The burnt-out remains of Dakota C.4, KJ955, on the civilian apron following a sabotage attack on the aircraft on 29 May, 1965 (Roger Wilkins)
In 1966, Andover C.1, XS793 was added to the Flight's inventory, probably as a replacement for the sabotaged Dakota (author's collection)
Fire section
Not to be forgotten! Without a
station Fire Section there could be no flying. Always on duty they were quickly
on scene at the first sign of an emergency. With such a large allocation of
aircraft on continuous operations, Khormaksar needed a sizable Fire Section and
to ensure it was on the ball, regular practices were held on the fire dump on
the north side of the runway using a selection of withdrawn aircraft.
A sequence of two images depicting an old 8 Sqn Venom well alight and .....
..... a fire crew dousing the flames with foam in 1962 (both, Keith Webster)
Movements Section
This, of
course, handled all the passengers and freight carried by the Khormaksar-based
squadrons and the RAF aircraft passing through – including the Casevac flights.
A formidable task when the figures of passengers, mail and freight handled at
Khormaksar are recalled.
task of Technical Wing, which supported the flying wings by maintaining their
aircraft, was made unusually complex by the variety of aircraft with which it had
to deal. While an average RAF station carried only one or two types, there were
13 different types and marks of Khormaksar-based aircraft. In addition, visiting
aircraft both RAF and foreign air forces ranging from Comets and the latest
V-bombers to the old Dakota that was in service before the war, came under its
care. With technical responsibility for the helicopter flight, marine craft and Khormaksar’s fleet of MT vehicles, it can be seen that Technical Wing could and
should have been ready to deal with anything and everything. Engines, airframes,
electrical instruments, radio, ground radio, armaments and even the Command
Photographic section came within its scope.
The Wing had
two sections, one dealing with normal servicing of aircraft at or passing
through Khormaksar, the other, No. 131 Maintenance Unit, dealing with heavy
repair work throughout the Command. Normal servicing was carried out both before
and after flying and periodically after a certain number of flying hours. With
aircraft coming and going all around the clock, the wing was open 24 hours a day,
every day. And while heavier work could be done in hangars, much of the day-to-day
servicing was carried out in the open – hot and unpleasant for much of the year.
Apart from
the heat, Technical Wing waged a constant battle against the Aden climate, which
was corrosive to all types of materials and mechanical parts. This affected not
only aircraft and motor vehicles but items of ground equipment like ladders and
responsibility for the route stations along the coast and trade training for
personnel, including control of a technical library of more than 11,000 volumes
were also concerns of the Officer Commanding Technical Wing.
131 Maintenance Unit
131 MU was established at Khormaksar at the end of 1958 to provide heavy repair
facilities for all technical equipment in the Command. It comprised
three flights, handling the repair and salvage of aircraft, repair of motor
transport and general engineering respectively. A fourth section, the Electronic
Repair Squadron, was later established to undertake the servicing and
repair of radio and radar equipment. Working parties, varying from one or two
airmen to a balanced party of a dozen or so, were always on detachment somewhere
in the Command repairing specific pieces of equipment or giving general
technical assistance. This enabled the unit’s personnel to sample the nomadic
life of the desert or the city life of Nairobi.
(Click on the heading above to access a gallery depicting FAA aircraft on
operations in the
Middle East)
Although the
Hunter saw service with the Royal Navy for over 35 years (in the guise of
the T.MK.8 and GA.Mk.11), it was mainly employed in its designated role as
pilot trainer. Intended for operations from land-based airfields only and unable
to operate alongside its carrier-borne brethren, the RN Hunter was limited to UK
shores. Other carrier-borne aircraft, however, were a
common sight on Middle East Command bases, Khormaksar in particular, and they regularly flew
co-operation exercises and on operations in
the Aden theatre, relieving the Hunter units on border patrols and strike
missions when they passed through the area. This
section has been added to recognise the part played by these squadrons.
Having gone US, Scimitar F.1, XD215-108, of 800 Squadron HMS Ark Royal, sits on the apron at Embakasi awaiting a servicing crew, July 1963 (author)
January 1964 and 893 Squadron Sea Vixen FAW.1, XN697-457, taxies in at Khormaksar having flown ashore from HMS Victorious (author)
849 Squadron, C Flight AEW.3, XL501-433, during a lull in activities at Khormaksar in 1963 (author)
HMS Hermes-based Buccaneer S.2, XT280-323, being prepared for departure from Khormaksar in May 1967 (author's collection)
Westland Whirlwind HAS.7, XL900, from HMS Centaur seen parked on the Helicopter pan at Khormaksar in early 1964 (author)
Royal Marine Commando Wessex HU.5 (XT485-A nearest), from 845 Sqn HMS Bulwark at Khormaksar in September 1967 (Richard Grevatte-Ball)
RM Commandos were the last Brirish troops to leave Aden and were lifted off by RN Wessex. |
(Click on the heading above to display a short history of 653 Squadron
activities in Aden and anecdotes from AAC personnel.)
Number 653 Squadron of the Army Air Corps (AAC) was based at Khormaksar for its final
days of service in Aden during 1967 and is included on this website in
recognition of the part it played in the support of Hunter operations during the
full period of its tenure there from 1961.
653 Sqn Auster AOP.9, XN436, on the Hunter pan at Khormaksar in 1963 (author)
Another 653 Sqn Auster AOP.9 to visit Strike Wing was XR240, pictured here in 1963 (author)
XP774 was a 653 Sqn Beaver and is seen on the Strike Wing pan in 1963 (author)
Early 1964 and 653 Sqn Beaver, XP775, is captured taxiing along the Khormaksar peri-track (author)
The first two AAC Scout helicopters in Aden, XR600 and XR601, pay a visit to Khormaksar's Strike Wing in March 1964 (author)
SAC Malcolm Stelfox was a Telegraphist who worked in the
Khormaksar Control Tower in 1966-67 and he explains why the RAF changed the
name of the command from Middle East Air Force to Air Force Middle East. “It
was purely administrative. Take a look at any UK keyboard and you will find
the letters ‘M’
and ‘N’
are right next to each other making it easy to mistype an
address. Letters/signals sent from 8 Squadron, for example, could quite
easily end up being sent to Episkopi or Nicosia in the Near East Air Force
(NEAF) rather than Steamer Point. With the number of transmissions running
into the 100s per day, misdirected signals could have serious implications.”
Open Days
When tensions in the Colony
were low, Khormaksar played host to several Open Days, when families,
friends and people from the local Arab population were invited in to enter
the station to see it in operation. On one such day in November 1961, Jeff Glasser, a
young school boy and the son a Sergeant who worked in one of the Messes,
took some photographs of the occasion and a selection is appended after his
short anecdote below.
“In 1961, I once wandered into a hangar in Aden (like you do) where
Hunters (of I think, 8 Squadron) were being worked on. No one asked what I
was doing there so I stayed. I was stood within licking distance of a Hunter
when a young airman asked if I was interested in aircraft. Of course I was I
told him. He kindly explained the hydraulic and electrical system he was
working on in very basic language that I could understand. A most
enlightening and enjoyable half-hour or so. Why he didn’t
get a rollicking for talking to a specky 12-year old instead of working I
don’t know, but I never forgot it, and
have since always tried to spend a little time explaining things to people
who show an interest in what I’m doing.”
(a full account of Jeff’s time as seen through the eyes of a schoolboy
living in Crater, can be seen in the Aden section of the Britain’s Small
Wars website (www.britains-smallwars.com)).
8 Sqn Meteor T.7 and Hunter T.7 on the apron in front of Vulcan B.1, XH483 and a Valiant B.1. (Jeff Glasser)
Note the yellow training band on the Hunter - most unusual on a camouflaged T.7. |
37 Sqn Shackleton MR.2, WL744-B, and an 84 Sqn Beverley at the west end of the airfield. (Jeff Glasser)
Crowds mull around Air Sea Rescue Flight Sycamore HR.14, XJ916. (Jeff Glasser)
Flown out from the UK, Victor B.1, XH645 behind the ASR Flight Sycamore HR.14, XJ916, and 78 Sqn Twin Pioneer. (Jeff Glasser)
A visitor from the UK, Vulcan B.1, XH483 (Jeff Glasser)