43 Squadron Galleries

3 - On the range

Other squadron galleries

Life on the line     


Crème de la Crème     




On Ops     


At ease!     


During the Hunter era, there were two main ranges that were used for air-to-ground firing practice. One was located some 7 miles to the north of Khormaksar and the aircraft could easily be seen and heard from the airfield as they dived down onto their targets, which consisted of mainly large canvas screens mounted on scaffolding poles. The second range, known as Jeb-a-Jib, was located some 50 miles along the coast to the west of RAF Sharjah, the targets here comprising a few obsolete military vehicles and large canvas screens mounted on scaffolding poles.

Unless otherwise indicated, these photographs were taken by Roger Wilkins in 1965.

Two 3-tonners, having just arrived at the Khormaksar range, are unloaded by Arab helpers

A point of interest is that both vehicles have had their doors removed.

Two of the helpers pose before setting to work unloading scaffolding poles ........

...... as more helpers collect the bolts and clamps needed to construct the target frames

A radio transmitter is erected under the supervision of a Squadron NCO

Perched atop a mound of sand and surrounded by ammunition boxes, the Range Officer calls in the first wave

Watching Hunter pilots firing their guns off is hot work ...... time for a break

Diving down over the Khormaksar range, the pilot of this 43 Sqn Hunter has just fired a rocket salvo at the target


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